Friday, April 13, 2007

Joan & Kerry's Prewedding Shoot.

San Francisco climate is quite unique and can vary drastically from one side to the other. When we started it was a bit overcast and drizzling. Joan and Kerry planned ahead and brought cardboard to sit on as they went down the slides on Bernal Hill. Evidently, all slides are not equal when racing and - as you can see - Joan was the winner.

How many of us take the time to ride the vintage F-line down Market? The BART and Muni underground are much faster but the street cars have quite a history. We waited at a stop in the Castro debating which one we should take. Yellow? Red? Orange? The inscription "sooner than I thought" is certain to be a psychological ploy developed by Muni to convince us that we really were not waiting that long. At least it wasn't raining. We did make it on to a beatifully maintained car originally from Milan, Italy which is one of Kerry's favorite. Check out that neat Muni wall mural too, it's in the Castro on Church Street.

Joan and Kerry are both wine lovers so ending at Hotel Biron - a neat alley wine bar - was a natural. We enjoyed a young De Tierra Monterey Pinot Noir in the very dark back room. Nice wine, very drinkable, I'll have to make a note-to-self. Afterwards, we entertained the valets and diners at Zuni Cafe.

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